About Us
Doug Little knows the politics of Ontario education. After 35 years as an active reformer he is uniquely qualified to launch The Little Education Report. A working class kid himself, Doug has taught at every level of the Ontario school system from hard scrabble elementary and secondary schools for the urban poor to elite public schools in Toronto’s toniest neighbourhoods. He taught politics in two community colleges and “The Politics of Ontario Education” at York University (2000-2003).
Doug was a school trustee on the Toronto Board of Education (1980-85) and the Metro School Board (1983-85) where he crusaded for more support for Adult Literacy.
As an education writer for Now Magazine (1992-2003) Doug’s blunt and direct commentary rattled tea cups from the Toronto board to the Ontario cabinet table.
He is a co-founder, editor and active contributor to the ground breaking education magazine Our Schools Ourselves now offered by The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Doug was the founding editor of the Toronto secondary teachers (OSSTF) magazine D12 Voicewhere he offered, once again, his trenchant analysis.
Doug has been invited to tour schools and school systems from Europe to Latin America to Asia. He has toured the most troubled schools of Boston and New York City. He has been a frequent guest on TVO, CBC, CTV where he has discussed and debated education issues. Doug’s advice has been sought by Ontario political party leaders, opposition critics and ministers of education.
For the last five years, (2003-2009) Doug has worked as a member of the secretariat at the provincial office of OSSTF in the Communication and Political Action Department. Here he edited OSSTF publicationsEducation Watch and Education Today and contributed to OSSTF’s political strategy for municipal and provincial elections.
Doug holds a BA (Political Science, Waterloo, 1972) an Honours BA (History, York, 1977) and an MEd (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, U of T, 1982).
Spencer Gee - Webmaster
Spencer Gee holds Honor Bachelors' Degrees in Design and Education (Secondary Art).
He also graduated in the top 10% of the UBC Web Development Program. Currently he is working as a Certified Employment Counselor for an international college and also manages their website and other online campaigns. He has been part of the on-going success of The Little Education Report since the beginning.